Meet Our Team

Seth Schulman
Based in Providence, Rhode Island, Seth Schulman has worked with authors across the United States as well as in Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. His clients’ books have appeared on bestseller lists, won literary awards, and garnered positive reviews in top publications. Short-form pieces he has written or edited for clients have appeared in top newspapers and magazines across the English-speaking world. Prior to ghostwriting, Seth worked as a research associate at Harvard Business school, co-authoring numerous business case studies. He also served as a consultant on popular culture and media to several large advertising agencies. Thanks to these experiences as well as his ongoing work as a practicing novelist, Seth brings a unique blend of imagination, storytelling skills, high-level business experience, and intellectual insight to his work. He holds a PhD in History from Brown University and a BA with Distinction from Cornell.

Rachel Gostenhofer
Rachel Gostenhofer is a ghostwriter, editor, and writing coach specializing in books about politics, science, and self-help/personal growth. Prior to joining Providence Word in 2016, Rachel served as Visiting Assistant Professor of History at Brown University and as a Professor in the school’s Professional Studies department.